Thai Massage

Thai Massage

Massage Therapy - Low Back Pain and Stress Relief

Massage therapy is a therapeutic manipulation of the soft tissues of the human body. Massage techniques are most commonly applied by fingers, thumbs, elbows, knees or even a hand-held device. The primary objective of massage therapy is usually for the relief of pain or body stress. Massage has been used as a medical and therapeutic treatment since ancient times. It is often recommended for athletes to reduce injuries and to increase flexibility, while massage has also been used for self-administered health care by individuals.

Relaxed muscles improve blood circulation and relieve stress. Improved blood circulation reduces anxiety levels and improves mood. Massage therapy has also been shown to benefit individuals with diseases such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and multiple sclerosis. It can help to increase muscle strength and mobility, normalize bowel and bladder functions, and control and manage body temperature.

Massage therapy targets the soft tissue of the body in order to provide therapeutic effects. Many people believe that 1인샵 therapy should only be used on the muscles and joints; however, this is untrue. Massage can be used on all parts of the body, especially the skin and tendons. The tissues Massage therapy can reach through to include the fascia, the sheath like connective tissue between muscle and bone that is very tough and resilient but also very soft. Massage provides a mechanical stimulus through friction or rubbing movements that stretch and elongate the muscle tissue through a process called "sensing" of tissue tension.

Massage helps to increase the blood supply to the cells in the soft tissues and improves the oxygenation of the blood. The increased blood flow provides improved oxygenation of the tissues, which allows more nutrients and energy to be carried within the cells. As well, the increased blood supply leads to an increase in cellular respiration which enhances energy and helps to burn stored fat. Massage helps to physically repair and regenerate connective tissue muscles.

Massage relieves muscle tension as well as improving range-of-motion, flexibility, and range of motion as well. The increased blood flow to the muscles, increased lymph flow to the lymph nodes, and reduced blood loss in the tissues also leads to an increase in cellular metabolism. Massage therapists also help to remove lactic acid from the muscles after each massage session. Massage therapy can benefit those with certain medical conditions, such as:

People who suffer from chronic low back pain have found great relief from massage therapy. Chronic Low Back Pain is often mistaken for Sciatica, which is a type of pain that originates in the Sciatic nerve, a nerve in the back. The sciatica is caused when muscles tighten on one side of your body while the nerves are compressed on the other side of your body. Massage has been shown to be very effective in reducing chronic low back pain for those suffering from this condition. Massage works by softening and stretching tight muscles which helps them to relax and therefore reduce inflammation.

Physical therapists can provide many benefits for people who have injured their backs and are not able to perform normal activities. A physical therapist can help their client improve his or her range of motion, flexibility, and range of motion. Massage works on the soft tissues of the muscles and the fascia lata, which are the large ligament in the back that stabilizes the spine. It can also help decrease the amount of tension that is in the muscles and soft tissue surrounding the area.

It's important to be aware that any type of physical exercise can lead to muscle strain and injury if done without proper care and supervision. Always consult with your doctor before starting any new fitness routine, even those that involve the use of massage techniques. Always be sure that you are working with a licensed massage therapist who is experienced in treating your specific type of injuries. This will make sure that the massage therapist applies the proper pressure and techniques so that you receive the best results possible.